Matthew D. Smith
Matthew D. Smith

MIDNIGHT REVIEWS is a name I came up with when I realised when I was writing all of these posts. As a parent, I like to write all my reviews once the little one has gone to bed otherwise he'll just ask me to find gifs of horses.

I can be found in other places as well. But they will often bring you back here. So stay, chill out, and maybe check out a post or two, if you want.

Twitter (I refuse to call it 'X'):

Tumblr, where I post inane thoughts but in image form:

Substack, which I recently found out is NOT about piling nuclear submarines on top of each other:

My stupid book:

Medium member since November 2023
Connect with Matthew D. Smith
Matthew D. Smith

Matthew D. Smith

Sometimes I write about movies and television, sometimes I write about writing itself and sometimes I post some real dumb stuff.